The Medical Cardiology Department has a very rich history.

We start with some information about the ECG (electrocardiogram)

a ‘heart trace’ which provides vital information about heart health. ECG analysis technology developed in Glasgow is used worldwide; ‘The University of Glasgow ECG interpretation program.’ The images are courtesy of Professor Peter Macfarlane, Emeritus Professor (formerly Prof of Medical Cardiology 1991-1995 and Electrocardiology 1995-2010)

The very first UK made commercial automated ECG system;

an axial lead system with University of Glasgow XYZ analysis program, based on analysis of 3 leads. None of these was sold but it was the very first system of its kind in the UK.

ECG Recordings

The ECG recordings in the landmark West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study – WOSCOPS – were undertaken on the Siemens Siccard 440 which had the University of Glasgow analysis program inside. WOSCOPS, which studied the effects of pravastatin, led to the widespread use of statins. 

The Atria 6000 electrocardiograph

The ECG recordings in the landmark West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study – WOSCOPS – were undertaken on the Siemens Siccard 440 which had the University of Glasgow analysis program inside. WOSCOPS, which studied the effects of pravastatin, led to the widespread use of statins.